This blog contains random thoughts and recollections on the process that led to the design, construction, and living in an "off-the-grid, off-the-well, off-the furnace residential dwelling" that combines "sustainable living and renewable energy" with "21st century comfort".
Eventually these writings will be filtered, organized, cleaned-up and made into a coherent structure that one would actually want to read as a book.
So, all of this is copyright by Christian Milaster.
Invitation to Comment and to Ask Questions Those who know me know that I'm a strong extrovert - and as such I get my energy from people and lose my energy when I'm by myself for too long. Which is why I am going this blog route to write down my experiences - so that others can comment on the bits and pieces and also so that I can just post a few paragraphs and then move on.
Thanks, Part 1 No, this is not the Academy Award speech where I do thank my ancestors and influential teachers (although I am grateful for everything my parents did for me). No, this is about thanking those who have nagged me for years to write this book: Patrick Davitt and Mary Bell. Patrick's support goes back to the early beginnings, even before ground was broken, where he encouraged me to take good notes so that one day I could write a book. And Mary Bell has been "after me" ever since I gave that first presentation at Eagle Bluff in November of 2006. Well, and serendipitously Aeriale pushed me "over the edge" by sharing with me this great quote, which she often uses as an inspiration for her writings: "not to transmit an experience is to betray it" by author and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel.
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